At the Paris Olympics 2024, Ankita Bhakat led India to the women’s quarterfinals, achieving her season-best 666 points and securing the 11th position in the archery rankings series on Thursday. Her teammates Bhajan Kaur and Deepika Kumari placed 22nd and 23rd respectively. Korea’s Sihyeon Lim set a new World Record with 694 points.
While the opening ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow, Indian archers have already begun their Olympic journey. The men’s individual ranking round follows the women’s event, with all six Indian archers aiming for favorable seeding. This marks the first time since London 2012 that Indian archers have secured all six available quota places, as they seek to win India’s first Olympic medal in archery.
Upcoming Archery Events in Paris
Archery competitions will continue until August 4. The women’s ranking round took place today at 1 pm IST, featuring Deepika Kumari, Ankita Bhakat, and Bhajan Kaur. The men’s round begins at 5 pm IST, with Tarundeep Rain, Pravin Jadhav, and Dhiraj Bommadevara representing India.
Schedule Details
The women’s ranking round took place at 1 pm IST, featuring Deepika Kumari, Ankita Bhakat, and Bhajan Kaur. The men’s round begins at 5 pm IST, with Tarundeep Rain, Pravin Jadhav, and Dhiraj Bommadevara representing India. The women’s ranking round took place at 1 pm IST, featuring Deepika Kumari, Ankita Bhakat, and Bhajan Kaur. The men’s round begins at 5 pm IST, with Tarundeep Rain, Pravin Jadhav, and Dhiraj Bommadevara representing India. This is the first time since London 2012 that Indian archers have secured all six available quota places, as they aim to win India’s first Olympic medal in archery. The archery competitions will continue until August 4.
The ranking rounds will be followed by the women’s team event on Sunday and the men’s team event on Monday. Individual knockout rounds for both men and women are scheduled for July 30, 31, and August 1. Mixed team events will occur on August 2, with women’s and men’s medal events on the following two days.
Key Updates from Paris Olympics 2024:
- Ankita Bhakat emerged as the top-seeded Indian in women’s archery rankings with 666 points.
- Korea’s Sihyeon Lim established a new World Record, scoring 694.
- Ankita (11th), Bhajan Kaur (22nd), and Deepika Kumari (23rd) secured India’s place in the quarterfinals.
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