New Delhi: Enthusiastic fans eagerly await the arrival of their beloved on-screen duo Pushp Raj and Srivalli (portrayed by Rashmika Mandanna and Allu Arjun). On May 29, the creators of ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ unveiled a fresh track titled ‘Sooseki’ – ‘The Couple Song’. This vibrant and captivating song, the second release from ‘Pushpa 2’, is sure to get people grooving in the streets. With choreography by Ganesh Acharya, the actors effortlessly charm the audience with their captivating music video.
In the lyrical video for ‘The Couple Song’, Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna can be observed donning casual attire. They perfectly captured the lively ambiance and added charisma to the song.
The video also depicts the close bond between the actors and crew as they prepare to shoot the music video. They share a remarkable camaraderie.
The dynamic and vibrant track showcases the vocal talents of singer Shreya Ghoshal. ‘Sooseki’ is the creation of music composer Devi Sri Prasad (DSP) and is bound to create a buzz with its irresistibly upbeat tune. The song has been released in six different languages: Telugu (Sooseki), Hindi (Angaaron), Tamil (Soodaana), Kannada (Nodoka), Malayalam (Kandaalo), and Bengali (Aaguner).
Pushpa 2
Fans are eagerly anticipating the arrival of ‘Pushpa: The Rule’, the highly anticipated sequel to the 2021 blockbuster. In this second installment, Allu Arjun will portray the iconic character of a former laborer turned mafia boss. Rashmika Mandanna will also reprise her role as Srivalli, the love interest of the protagonist. Produced by Mythri Movie Makers and directed by Sukumar, ‘Pushpa 2’ is set to hit theaters on August 15, 2024.
The original ‘Pushpa’ film achieved tremendous success, grossing over Rs. 370 crores worldwide. Not only did it become one of the highest-grossing Telugu movies ever, but it also claimed the title of the highest-grossing Indian film in 2021.